All slides
Term 1
Term 2
- HTTP Introduction
- Pre-Apprenticeship Wednesday Week One
- Pre-Apprenticeship Wednesday Week Three
- Pre-Apprenticeship Wednesday Week Four
- Pre-Apprenticeship Wednesday Week Five
- Pre-Apprenticeship Wednesday Week Six
- Pre-Apprenticeship Wednesday Week Seven
- Skills Bootcamp welcome talk
- Testing Introduction
Term 3
- Analysis Workshop
- Authentication Introduction
- The build sprint
- Code planning
- Cohort expectations
- Databases Introduction
- Definition Workshop
- The Design Sprint
- Discovery
- Issue management and estimation
- Final Projects intro
- Full-stack apps
- Product Management and the Product Owner role
- Intro to managing software projects
- Research and Testing
- Servers Introduction
- SPAs & React
- Support and Expectations
- Usability testing
- Usability testing synthesis
- Welcome talk