The iterative approach to software development
Distinct from more linear approaches, such as Waterfall project management, with sequential phases - each of which only begin when the previous one has been completed
Encompasses a number of approaches to Software Development are rooted in the Agile Manifesto
The agile manifesto was written in 2001 by a group of 17 software developers who had met to discuss the future of software development
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
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A widely-used and agile software development method, that uses the following terms
A fixed period of development time during which the team will not respond to new change requests
Two weeks is typical, but each week we are going to do a single two-day sprint. For your final projects, you will be doing one-week sprints.
An action that a user wants to perform
“As a… I want… So that…”
Includes all uncompleted user stories
“Kanban” which you are going to use to track your project
In Progress
Stop, go, continue
Ensuring a smooth process and good communication.
Project set up, file architecture, third party tools, keeping secrets secret.
Clear variable names, simple and concise code, adequate test coverage.
Championing the user stories to ensure that your product meets the users’ needs.
Consider taking on the role that you feel least comfortable with
Take each role once, over the next six weeks
On Wednesdays, you’ll have time for role circles
This is a chance for cross-team collaboration grouped around your roles
Punctuate your build with check-ins amongst the team
Focus on three things:
The Facilitator leads stand-up and gives everyone an opportunity to speak
It is the responsibility of the Facilitator to manage resolving blockers
Swap pairs in your teams frequently
Everyone should pair with everyone else
When you swap, punctuate the switch with a stand-up
There are many different approaches to developing software, and most companies won’t rigidly follow one in particular
A FAC alumn, and experienced software developer, told of the approach their former employer took to software development. Something we might call…
Shovelling 💩 onto the development team
Being aware of the approaches, and how your company operates is an important part of meeting the apprenticeship standard