
Wednesday Week 4

CSS Variables

CSS variables (or custom properties) help us to maintain consistent styling across our sites

We can update the variable once and the property will change wherever it is referenced

Variables also increase the readability of our CSS

:root {
--main-color: #c70039;
--secondary-color: #ffffff;

#three {
background: var(--main-color);
border: 4px double var(--secondary-color);


A CSS pseudo-class can be added to a selector to define special styles based on user behaviour

For example, if a user hovers on a button we might like to change the colour

button {
height: 20vh;
width: 40vw;
font-size: 1.5rem;
button:hover {
background: var(--yellow);
<button>Hover over me</button>

There’s a few different types of pseudo classes

Location pseudo-classes

Relating to anchor tags

e.g. :visited

User action pseudo-classes

Respond to interaction by the user

e.g. :focus

The input pseudo-classes

Relate to form elements, usually inputs

e.g. :valid

Tree-structural pseudo-classes

Relate to elements within the document tree

e.g. :root and :first-child

Tech Spikes

As a developer, learning never stops

You’ll spend a lot of time conducting technical research and digesting

Work collaboratively

  • The aim of research is that everyone on the team (and in the cohort!) should have an understanding of the content.
  • Pairing up, tackling multiple points together, discussing and sharing the load will help to prevent siloing.

People learn in different ways

  • Mix up the media according to your learning style. Watching videos, reading diagrams and even listening to podcasts might be a better alternative to reading text.

Avoid copy and pasting

  • Try to understand a concept and convey it in your own words to your teammates.
  • If it’s a code snippet, make sure you type it out yourself!

Take your time

  • Try not to rush into writing detailed notes.
  • Make sure everyone has taken the time they need to absorb and understand the topic you’re researching.