
A database is a structured collection of information

“Structured” means “you can ask a computer questions about it”

A paragraph in a book can contain data.

But it is not structured.

Here are some examples of structured data:

  1. An HTML table
  2. A JSON object
  3. A spreadsheet

Relational databases

Computers have both “memory” (RAM) and “storage” (disk).

Memory is how much stuff the computer can hold in its head.

Disk storage is where the computer keeps things long-term.

It loads things out of storage into memory when it needs them.

Memory is fast but expensive.

Computers generally don’t have much of it (~16GB nowadays).

Storage is slower but much cheaper

Computers generally have a lot more of it (~256GB nowadays).

In the past memory was much more expensive.

The Commodore 64 (1982) had 64 kilobytes of memory.

That’s 0.000064GB.

This meant early databases were optimised for memory-usage.

They stored data in a way that made it efficient to access.

These are called “relational” databases.

They store data in tables, like a spreadsheet.

name quantity price
apple 10 1.00
banana 20 0.40

They are “relational” because they can “relate” multiple tables.

If we had a stores table to go with our fruits:

id location
1 camden
2 kensington

Our fruits table could use the store IDs:

name quantity price store_id
apple 10 1.00 1
banana 20 0.40 1
apple 05 1.20 2
banana 30 0.20 2

We can now see which store has which fruit at what price.

This structure is helpful because it reduces duplication.

We list each store once, no matter how many fruits they have.

If we stored this as an object we’d have duplicate info.

Every fruit object would have to list all the stores with it.

"fruits": [
"name": "apple",
"quantity": 10,
"price": 1,
"store": { "id": 1, "location": "camden" }
"name": "banana",
"quantity": 20,
"price": 0.4,
"store": { "id": 1, "location": "camden" }

In a DB with thousands of entries this saves a lot of duplication.

Certain types of questions are simpler to answer too.

For example “how much total fruit is there?”

We add up the “quantity” column—no need to look at stores.

MySQL, PostgreSQL & SQLite are popular relational DBs.


SQL stands for Structured Query Language.

It’s a language for asking questions about data.

SQL is how you get information out of a relational DB

SELECT name, quantity FROM fruits;

Non-relational databases

Once computer memory got cheap enough other types of DB became common.

These stored data in a less efficient structures (like objects).

However they were fast because they kept everything in memory.

Developers often find objects fit their mental model better.

Since code works in objects rather than relations.

These new DBs branded themselves “NoSQL”

(since they didn’t support SQL)

Examples include MongoDB & CouchDB

We think relational DBs are a safer default.

We’ll be using SQLite for the rest of the course,

as it is relatively simple to get started with.

Using relational DBs

Thinking about relationships

There are 3 kinds of relationships:

  1. One-to-one
  2. One-to-many
  3. Many-to-many


Each country has one capital city.

Each capital city is in one country.

id name capital_id
1 uk 1
2 usa 2
id name population
1 london 8.9m
2 washington dc 0.7m

We use a “foreign key” to create relationships.

The capital_id column in countries represents a row in cities.


A director can create many films.

Each film has only one director (usually).

id name
1 Olivia Wilde
2 Sofia Coppola
id name director_id
1 booksmart 1
2 lost in translation 2
3 the bling ring 2

The only difference here is the foreign keys aren’t unique.

We represent the “many” relationship by using the same director_id for multiple films.


A film can include many actors.

Each actor appears in many films.

id name
1 Cate Blanchett
2 Ian McKellan
id name
1 LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
2 X-Men
3 Ocean’s 8

We cannot use foreign keys here.

Since each film would need multiple actor_id columns.

Instead we can use another table to store the relationships.

This is often called a “join table” (or junction/bridge table)

actor_id film_id
1 1
1 3
2 1
2 2

It bridges the gap between actors and films.

If we know an actor’s ID we can look up their films.

FROM actors
JOIN actors_films ON = actor_id
JOIN films ON actor_id =;
actors.​name films.​name
Cate Blanchett LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
Cate Blanchett Ocean’s 8
Ian McKellan LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
Ian McKellan X-Men